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We read 50+ IntelliShift reviews - Here's what we learned

Wondering if IntelliShift might be the right choice for you? We read 50+ IntelliShift reviews and compiled our findings into a detailed guide. Read it now.

Fleet managers face a lot of challenges, especially when they are trying to meet increasingly high demands while ensuring a quality experience for customers. To make matters worse, many fleet managers must contend with a shortage of drivers, fluctuating gas prices, and ever-evolving regulations.

Therefore, managing your fleet’s everyday operations with A-game fleet management software is crucial to keeping your business operating smoothly and profitably.

IntelliShift is one of the best fleet management applications. However, it’s important to consider whether it suits your business’s needs.

To help you answer that question, we read 50+ IntelliShift reviews. And in this article, we’ll reveal the results of our in-depth analysis of IntelliShift so that you can make an informed decision.

  1. Our methodology
  2. IntelliShift Ease of use
  3. IntelliShift Key features
  4. IntelliShift Pricing
  5. IntelliShift Use cases
  6. IntelliShift Alternative solution
  7. Final takeaways


  • IntelliShift is a fleet intelligence platform that gives companies that operate fleets of trucks, cars, and heavy equipment centralized access to data on all fleet activities. It was designed for large-scale field operations involving 75 or more vehicles and other assets.
  • IntelliShift offers features like SP Telematics, fleet safety, operations IQ, digital inspections, and internal messaging. Unfortunately, IntelliShift doesn’t have a procurement portal. It’s also very expensive, and you must sign up for at least 36 months.
  • If IntelliShift isn’t for you, we recommend eLogii. eLogii is a global technology platform that helps companies provide a seamless last-mile delivery experience.


Our methodology

To develop a comprehensive understanding of IntelliShift, we took the following steps:

  • We interviewed both past and present users to learn about their experiences with IntelliShift.
  • We combed through customer ratings and reviews on Capterra, G2, and other leading software review websites to get a broader picture of the software.
  • IntelliShift doesn’t offer a free trial, so we requested a live demo to see how the software operates.

Now that we’ve revealed our methods, we can delve into what our investigation discovered about IntelliShift.

IntelliShift reviews – Ease of use

IntelliShift has a very smart, animated, and straightforward user interface. The design is neat, modern, and very pleasant to the eyes.

IntelliShift UI

The mobile app is relatively simple to use. It allows the user to track the location of a vehicle, calculate the estimated Time of Arrival (ETA), and create a text or email alert to notify the customer when the vehicle has arrived.

You can also monitor vehicles and receive an alert when they leave a location.

IntelliShift’s data is incredibly detailed and useful. Something we really like is that you can see the specific route your drivers are using and how much time they spend at any given location.

However, some customers on Capterra have complained that the GPS sometimes takes too long to update. This makes it difficult to track down delivery trucks.

IntelliShift A review about the quality of the GPS

Others have commented on the poor quality of IntelliShift’s device installation and the inconsistency in the quality of phone-based support.

IntelliShift review – Key features

IntelliShift offers these key features:

SP Telematics

With IntelliShift’s SP (Silent Passenger) Telematics feature, you’ll have access to real-time data on your fleet’s health, location, and performance – everything you need to run smoother, more efficient deliveries.

IntelliShift SP Telematics

You can get current traffic updates and accurate ETAs in the blink of an eye with the fleet Telematics feature. SP Telematics is powered by the Google Maps API. We don’t have time to dive into it now, but you can find out why we don’t recommend Google Maps in our Route Planning on Google Maps: 5 Reasons To Avoid It article.

You will also get a bird’s eye view of your whole fleet, including data on everything from driver habits and fuel management to vehicle problems and maintenance alerts. Both iOS and Android devices can use the feature.

You can also use SP Telematics for route optimization – allowing drivers to select the quickest and most efficient route while minimizing delays caused by traffic, stops, and downtime.

Fleet safety

Many different safety features are rolled into IntelliShift’s Safety Management component.

For example, the Video AI in-cab video feature can identify possible accidents, road dangers, or risky driving and issue a warning to the driver. The system also notifies the driver’s supervisor, who is equipped with audio and visual communication tools so they can provide immediate feedback to the driver.

Another feature tracks information about speeding, seatbelt use, hard braking, abrupt turns, and rapid acceleration in your fleet vehicles. You can use this information to rein in your drivers’ worst habits and keep everyone on the road safe.

This feature also allows managers to keep tabs on their driver’s activities via a safety dashboard and scorecards that rank drivers.

Managers can also analyze past records to determine the likelihood of future occurrences of certain actions like speeding, rapid braking, seatbelt use, and unauthorized vehicle use.

Procurement portal

IntelliShift’s delivery management software doesn’t have a procurement portal. This is a major drawback, as it’s something many fleet managers use.

Operations IQ

IntelliShift Operations IQ

IntelliShift’s operations IQ helps users take advantage of their data to make educated, strategic business decisions concerning their delivery management operations.

In addition, by looking at the data from different viewpoints, you can identify weak spots at any level.

IntelliShift stores all user data in a consolidated database. This database will give you insight into the most crucial aspects of your operations, allowing you to take corrective measures that will boost productivity (and, thus, profitability).

Finally, you can create dashboards and reports on operational goals and financial Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that can be accessed whenever you like.

Digital inspection

One major plus of IntelliShift is that you can meet the Department of Transport’s (DOT’s) regulations and save yourself from suffering the consequences of costly fines and unscheduled downtime by moving your vehicle inspections online.

IntelliShift’s delivery management software will help you implement digital inspections by connecting your drivers, operations, and maintenance data.

You can also customize the software to fit into your daily inspection routine.

It doesn’t matter where you live, either. You can also ensure regional, state, and federal compliance by using IntelliShift to create customized inspection report templates with single or multi-point checklists.

IntelliShift Digital inspections

Workflows, notifications, regulations, and certificates of completion can all be adjusted to suit individual needs as well.

This process doesn’t take long – it only takes a few minutes to configure your digital reporting and compliance dashboards, and you’ll have full visibility over your whole fleet forever.

Mobile capabilities

IntelliShift Mobile capabilities

You can keep customers up-to-date with the help of the Customer 360 app.

This app can be configured to allow for or deny access to delivery information, including vehicle position, ETA, and driver details.

Customers can get alerts through email, text messages, or even push notifications through the app.

And in addition to updating customers in real-time, your drivers can adjust the status of their jobs from the app to keep everyone informed.

Internal messaging

IntelliShift provides several options for people who get into trouble with their product.

Customers can submit tickets detailing the nature of the problem and any relevant screenshots of the issue in action. Live chat is available on their website for new and existing customers.

It’s also possible to hunt for answers on your own with IntelliShift’s Help Center. It’s stocked with FAQs, knowledge bases, blog posts, and other resources.

IntelliShift does offer phone-based support. But it seems that it’s only open to users in the US, and the wait times can be very long. We couldn’t find any evidence of a call-back service (though it may exist for large and premium customers). This is another major drawback of IntelliShift.

In addition, IntelliShift offers the “Customer 360 scheduling application”. It can help users maintain open lines of communication with their clients in case they have any issues.

IntelliShift reviews – Pricing

IntelliShift pricing

IntelliShift doesn’t provide a lot of pricing information upfront. However, after obtaining a quote, we found that you can get a monthly subscription for as little as $16.99 per feature or solution.

We also discovered that IntelliShift asks you for three key pieces of information that likely determine the price you’ll pay. They include:

  • Fleet size – How big your fleet is. The more vehicles in your fleet, the higher the discount you’ll receive.
  • Agreement length – You can select a contract length from 36 to 60 months. Longer contracts will give you access to lower monthly rates (but of course, you’re locked in for longer). We consider contracts to be another major drawback – as you can’t leave if IntelliShift isn’t right for your business.
  • Modules and add-ons – You can tailor IntelliShift to your company’s specific requirements by installing additional modules and add-ons. However, you must pay an additional fee for these options.

To avoid paying too much, we recommend knowing exactly what functions you need before you actually purchase anything.

IntelliShift reviews – Use cases

IntelliShift’s pricing policy and features may not be suitable for small start-ups with only a few vehicles.

IntelliShift is built for enterprise field operations with fleets of at least 75 vehicles and assets. It’s configured for enterprise solutions and isn’t designed for fleets looking for out-of-the-box, self-serve hardware and features.

Smaller businesses that need less advanced routing options to tackle delivery management will need to find an alternative solution – like eLogii.

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IntelliShift reviews – Alternative solution

Choosing the best delivery management software for you is key to staying ahead of the curve in today’s competitive environment.

eLogii is a cutting-edge tool that helps businesses satisfy the complex demands of today’s delivery and logistics systems by managing and optimizing delivery routes.

Field service providers, merchants, pharmaceutical enterprises, restaurants, couriers, food and drink delivery services, etc., can all benefit from eLogii’s extensive set of highly customizable capabilities.

Its core features include:

  • High-level routing functionality – With its routing API, eLogii can swiftly replan and adjust routes. It also takes into account factors like traffic, weather, and blockages.

eLogii Dynamic routing

  • Different methods of ensuring customer satisfaction – eLogii has features to ensure that customers get the best service possible. This includes sending real-time SMS and/or email ETA notifications at every stage of the delivery process (with updated recalculations if something changes on the road) and live tracking of each order.

eLogii Customer notifications

  • Customizable parameters – There are a plethora of operational parameters that may be adjusted to suit your business’s needs. These allow for things like the automatic matching of loads to vehicles and the distribution of difficult routes to those with the most experience.

eLogii vehicle configuration

eLogii proof of delivery

  • Different techniques for handling failed deliveries – These features instruct drivers on what to do if they can’t find the end customer at the delivery location (e.g., you can allow leaving the package in a secure location, returning it to the depot, leaving it at another location, etc.).

eLogii Failed delivery workflow

  • A seamless driver app – This app is optimized for all operating systems. Some of its capabilities include live chat with dispatchers and customers, one-click dials, navigation, POD collection, and task overview and management.

eLogii Driver app

  • A well-documented API – eLogii integrates seamlessly with all the other tools and technologies you use to manage your supply chain.

eLogii API

Like IntelliShift, eLogii doesn’t offer fixed-price plans, which makes it a perfect choice for small, medium, and large companies alike.

eLogii comes with customized pricing plans based on your business’s particular configuration and needs. Typical entry-level prices start at around $359 per month for 2500 tasks.

eLogii Pricing

Each plan includes unlimited users, drivers, and vehicles – making eLogii an excellent option for larger businesses and those aiming to scale. eLogii is also a good option for businesses with part-time drivers (as you aren’t financially penalized for having many drivers).

If you’d like a detailed overview of what each package includes, you can view the pricing page here. You can also calculate how much Return on Investment (ROI) you’d get from eLogii using the ROI calculator.

Final takeaways

IntelliShift was designed with large businesses in mind, so only those businesses should use it.

Unfortunately, IntelliShift won’t benefit small and medium-scale businesses or those focused on last-mile delivery. These businesses won’t find it to be cost-efficient since they’ll be paying for a lot of features they won’t use.

Here are some other major drawbacks of IntelliShift:

  • Lock in contracts from 36 to 60 months
  • Glitches when calculating GPS routes (leading to long delays for customers)
  • Limited phone-based support
  • The lack of a procurement portal

We believe that eLogii is a far superior option for small, medium, and large organizations.

It’s great for businesses that require more sophisticated, feature-rich, and adaptable delivery management software with an in-built delivery route planning tool.


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