Route Optimization Software, done better
The intelligent route optimization, customer communications and order execution solution for distribution and field service businesses anywhere in the world

Trusted by hundreds of leading businesses.

A fully integrated logistics platform

Powerful planning and optimization that you can trust
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Single day, weekly, date-range or multi-day planning

Flexible optimization modes

Tailor to your exact use case

Take into account traffic and vehicle-specific mapping

Handle scale with ease
Plan seamlessly over any time horizon
Combine planning types in a single optimization
Set up recurring tasks and task templates for repeat visits on a pattern
Pick the optimization mode you require

Route distance / stop limits
Utilization and scaling factors
You decide what to prioritize, optimization speed or best possible routes
Set tolerances and overrides
Pick a mode dependent on what you need (most efficient or use all drivers, for example)
Fastest planning available on the market
The most configurable platform on the market
Driver skills and vehicle capabilities
Proof of Delivery / Service actions
Issue workflow
Hundreds of configuration options put you in full control
Build custom workflows to ensure your operations run exactly as you want them to
The most realistic optimization, based on real-life factors
Historical and Live Traffic
Adjustable vehicle types / profiles (including large truck mapping)
Adjustable driver speeds
ETAs update live as routes are being executed
eLogii enables the most accurate ETAs on the market constantly improved by Machine Learning
Allow your team to make further adjustments based on operational knowledge
Set up the exact operational structure you want, at scale

Multi-depot (unlimited number of depots can be added)
Ultra-fast optimization for thousands of tasks
User profiles, access levels and teams
Job workflow and action queue
Run any scale of distribution or field service operation, across multiple cities / countries on eLogii
Split your operations into an unlimited number of sub organizations, teams, users etc.
Reduction in planning time
Reduction in required planning FTEs
reduction in customer calls

How Porcelanosa improved efficiency and reduced customer calls by 80% with eLogii

“With eLogii we gained a fast, flexible system that integrates into everything. We have 10x more speed and flexibility versus what we had before, planning time is down (60%+) with a leaner team than ever before and we produce executable, accurate routes that have our trucks going out 90%+ full. Furthermore, we can give our customers ETAs and tracking – they don’t need to call us any more to find our where things are. So - all in all the benefits we have gained from eLogii are tremendous –
- Rafael Salinas – Head of International Operations
- Rafael Salinas – Head of International Operations

Seamless data import and exchange, enterprise grade security
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Class-leading REST API

Extensive webhooks

CSV / Excel import with robust validation

Export anything in the required format

Single Sign-On (SSO)
Your developers can easily build light-touch or deep integrations with any of your business systems, such as:

Rated as most flexible API
5* Developer friendliness and amazing support
Additionally to the REST routes, enable seamless 2-way integration via extensive webhooks

Task lifecycle update
Task update
Task / Driver Tracking update
Optimization Complete
Route ETA update
Route Created
Route Completed
And more...
Organization and customer-level webhooks available
5* Developer friendliness and amazing support
Powerful import, validation and geocoding wizard enables you to work with CSV / Excel files with ease

Mapping for an unlimited number of file types
Geocoding with a choice of providers
Import history and roll-back
Fastest import on the market – thousands of records within seconds
XLS or CSV import
Automated / SFTP imports supported if required
Create reports and exports exactly as you need them
Driver Manifests
Loading lists (which your WMS / other systems can consume)
Create custom reports from any combination of columns
Proof of delivery (single or bulk as PDF)
Export any data attribute in any format
Lightening quick and keep working as exports generate
Supporting the Enterprise through robust Single Sign on

Microsoft Azure (SAML2 standard)
Seamless and secure for Microsoft directory users

Empower your field agents / drivers to execute while keeping your team informed and to react
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Powerful Android and iOS driver / agent app

Live updates and monitoring, real-time event alerting

React, adapt and solve with full visibility and decision support

Driver schedules, breaks and even vacations handled with ease

Monitor driver / agent performance
Empower your drivers / agents with the tools they need to succeed
Clear view of jobs with turn by turn navigation
Handle issues in seconds
Signatures, photos, barcode scans are a breeze
Pre/post checklists
Allow your drivers / field agents as much autonomy as you wish to (from full guidance to full autonomy)
Tens of configuration options allowing you to control exactly what drivers / agents see and when
Live updates and monitoring from the field
A live at a glance view of your entire operations, broken down by area / team
Helpful, visual interface allowing your team to have the power to make decisions quickly
Your team are empowered to react as needed when issues arise
Clear visibility over your entire field operations
Focus in on problem areas proactively (e.g. lateness)
Make changes to routes if needed based on circumstances
Handle break-downs and issues on the road
Proactive monitoring of operations which isolate issues before your customers are impacted
Drive significant improvement in on-time deliveries through learning and system intelligence
Set up driver schedules including breaks and handle exceptions
Easily set up driver schedules including breaks
Manage schedule exceptions with ease
Connect to your scheduling system or HR tools, import via CSV/Excel or configure via the interface (as shown)
Ensure regulatory adherence in any jurisdiction
Monitor driver / agent performance
Compare driver ratings to find star performers
Granular driver-level analytics on service duration, on-time etc.
Clearly see which drivers are performing well and which are falling behind
Ensure your customers receive the best service, each and every time
Reduction in human error
Reduction in time spent generating reports
Improvement in driver efficiency

How Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust cut manual work by 90% while improving efficiency with eLogii

“The original route optimization system we had was error-prone and we struggled to scan barcodes accurately. With eLogii scanning is a breeze and the efficiencies we get are amazing. Running reports used to take a day a month (putting together the data etc.) with eLogii it is a click of a button.
– Alan Hulme - Facilities Manager – Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust
– Alan Hulme - Facilities Manager – Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust

Give your customers an experience they didn’t even think was possible
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Cut phone calls with live tracking and updates for customers

Communicate via text, data message or email

Set up location presets, defaults and preferences

Allow your B2B customers to schedule for themselves and track orders in bulk

Ensure the driver arrives in the right place, every time
Enable an amazing tracking and live update experience for customers
Fully-customizable tracking page that looks like your brand
Display time windows or exact ETAs
Allow customers to change delivery slots
Enable customers to rate and receive a copy of the POD
Customers will be delighted by proactively being informed without having to call
You’ll save significant operating expenses due to falling call times
Communicate how your customers want to be communicated with
Customizeable email templates
Amend the workflow with your own code
Control exactly when messages are sent
Override defaults per customer or even individual task
Make sure your customers are served how they want to be
Take into account specific requirements and preferences at your customer’s locations
Ensure that time is saved on-site by allowing your drivers / agents to be proactive
Class-leading customer dashboards for your B2B customers
Allow customers to connect their own systems with customer-specific API keys
Bulk upload, monitoring, tracking and feedback without having to look order by order
Ensure the driver arrives at the right place, effortlessly

Pin drop precision, for your operations team, customers and drivers
Drivers guided directly to entrances, not just to buildings (where available)

Actionable insights that positively impact your bottom line
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Real-time analytics dashboards

Historical analytics allowing your teams to get granular with data

Cost tracking and calculation

Machine-learning powered intelligence
Analytics that empower your team to make the best decisions

Clear visibility into the metrics that matter in the way you need them to ensure your operations run efficiently
Proactive notifications drawing attention to issues immediately as they occur
Historical analytics allowing your team to dissect your data in exactly the way they need
Failed reasons
On time vs. late
Service duration
Vehicle and schedule utilization
Tens of analytics (as well as the ones explored above) to drive new levels of productivity in your team
Unlimited look-back period on historical analytics
Track operational costs and optimize for lowest cost
Clearly know exactly what each route costs and work out the most efficient blend of fleet and drivers
Machine learning means eLogii gets smarter every day

Machine learning allows service times, ETAs etc. to get more and more accurate as real-life data flows through eLogii
Solutions evaluated
40k tasks
Worked on at any one time
Reduction in planning time

How Bristow and Sutor saved planning time and drove route efficiency with eLogii

“During the process we looked at 20+ solutions and eLogii scored the highest on most attributes we looked at. The system is very intuitive, mature, and able to handle very high volume. Specifically on handling volume: it is not uncommon, for example, for our routing and planning team to be working on 40,000 visits/calls in eLogii at any one time. eLogii handles this with ease.
– Paul Lillico, CTO
– Paul Lillico, CTO
A selection of industries our solution creates strong ROI for
Operational savings within months
Reduction in "where's my order?" calls
Reduction in internal calls per order

How Ananas built the most efficient last mile delivery operation with eLogii
“I looked at the leading solutions in the world and I couldn’t find in any of the other solutions the flexibility that I find in eLogii. On top of that, the flexibility, the customer support and the attention that you get from the team makes the whole difference to your business”
- Felipe Alves, COO
- Felipe Alves, COO
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