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We have the right plan for your business

Regardless of the size and complexity of your operations, there is a flexible, powerful plan to fit

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For businesses looking for an easy to use automated route planning and optimisation solution

  • Checkmark Includes 2,500 tasks/mo
  • Checkmark Unlimited drivers / vehicles
  • Checkmark Unlimited users


For businesses that require a comprehensive solution to manage large operations

  • Checkmark Includes 40,000 tasks/mo
  • Checkmark Unlimited drivers / vehicles
  • Checkmark Unlimited users

Need more power or scale than our Professional plan offers? Learn about our Enterprise offering


Compare plan features

Routing and planning

Optimization engine and planning modes

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Automated route optimisation infoAutomatically create optimal routes at the touch of a button. Fastest optimization available on the market tick tick tick tick
Manual route assignment / re-adjustment infoManually drag-and-drop tasks to drivers routes and/or re-order and edit pre-optimised routes. Changes are seen live in the driver / agent app tick tick tick tick
Single depot planning infoRoute planning and optimisation of tasks originating from one depot location tick tick tick tick
Default optimization engine infoOptimization ensuring shortest route time while honoring your constraints tick tick tick tick
Simple optimization mode infoSuper quick optimization when there are no pickups or reloads needed tick tick tick tick
Multi-depot planning infoRoute planning and optimization of tasks originating from multiple depot locations tick tick tick tick
Advanced Optimization engine infoMore advanced and flexible optimization engine with configurability over optimization factor and run-time     tick tick
Balancing mode infoUsing this mode within our advanced engine - you can ensure you balance between your drivers / agents by time or by load     tick tick
Route duration limits infoCap routes by total maximum time     tick tick
Route distance limits infoCap routes by total maximum distance     tick tick
Route number of stops limits infoLimit the total number of allowed stops within a route     tick tick
Clustering optimization infoHarness the power of deterministic and non-deterministic K-Means clustering as well as DBSCAN (Haversine distance) clustering       tick
Cost-based optimization infoAutomatically optimize for the lowest cost routes and fleet mix, considering the diverse costs associated with different vehicle types       tick


Routing and planning tools

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Single date planning infoPlan for a particular day, this can be any time either for today or in the future tick tick tick tick
Route timelines panel infoVisualization of each route at a glance, as well as capacity and time utilization tick tick tick tick
Include return to depot infoOptimization will take into consideration driver return-to-depot leg within the driver schedule tick tick tick tick
Date range planning infoPlan over a date horizon, this can be as long or short as required     tick tick
Multi-day / long haul planning infoRoute drivers over multiple days for long-distance orders     tick tick
Pick-up only planning infoRoute planning where there are no drop-off tasks, only pickups     tick tick
Create fixed and recurring routes  infoCreate fixed routes and set a custom recurrence for each route day plan     tick tick
Live traffic routing infoTraffic data included within routing calculations. Covers live as well as historical traffic data     tick tick
ETA scaling factor infoOverride ETA predictions with your own inputs     tick tick

Tasks / jobs 

Task-level setup

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Task time windows infoSet precise time windows for tasks, but also support open-ended windows, considering for example 'open from' and 'open to' times with ease tick tick tick tick
Required skills / capabilities info Ensure that tasks requiring specific driver skills or vehicle capabilities are always serviced correctly and matched to the right resource tick tick tick tick
Service time infoDefault waiting, loading, etc. time at each point of pickup and/or drop-off   tick tick tick
Timeslot earliness / lateness optimization tolerance infoAllow for tasks to be actioned after/before the time window   tick tick tick
Multiple dimension units infoSupport multiple dimension units for example KGs, CM3, volumetric weight etc. ensuring different product mixes are always loaded optimally   tick tick tick
Depot custom service time infoAllow for separate service duration to be accounted for at the depot(s)     tick tick
Tiered / rule-based service time infoSet dimension-based rules ensuring that certain service durations are applied to say orders of a certain size     tick tick
Task items infoSet up items within a particular task, for example individual products making up a single order. Control associated actions     tick tick
Task rules infoConfigure powerful rules for automated changes, adjustments, and additions to tasks based on specific criteria     tick tick
Create recurring tasks infoCreate a pattern of recurrence for particular tasks     tick tick
Allowed days of the week infoTailor task schedules by setting specific days when tasks can be performed, directly from the dashboard or via API     tick tick
Multiple time windows infoSet multiple potential time windows on a task when it can be serviced, for example 9-11am and then 3-4pm     tick tick
Prioritise infoPrioritise certain customers in a route     tick tick


Proof of delivery /services

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Signature / sign on glass infoEnable drivers / agents to collect name and signature POD in the eLogii driver / agent app tick tick tick tick
Photo info Enable drivers /agents to collect photo POD in the eLogii driver / agent app tick tick tick tick
One time passcode infoA unique code for security purposes required to hand over to the recipient tick tick tick tick
Age or other confirmation infoAdd a custom confirmation in the eLogii driver/agent app (for example: age verification for age-restricted products) tick tick tick tick
Cash on delivery infoEnable drivers to enter cash amount collected at task location directly in the driver/agent app   tick tick tick


Drivers / agents / technicians

Driver App

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
iOS or Android driver / agent App infoDownloadable app from iOS or Android stores tick tick tick tick
Google Maps and Waze and more navigation infoAll major turn-by-turn navigation apps built in tick tick tick tick
Push notifications infoProactive alerting when changes are made to routes for example tick tick tick tick
Click to dial infoQuick communication workflow to get in touch with recipient or operations, depending on settings / permissions tick tick tick tick
Task list or map view infoDrivers / agents can see tasks either in a list or map view depending on their preferences tick tick tick tick
Changes shown live to driver / agent infoAny changes made in the dashboard / via API will immediately be visible to driver / agent tick tick tick tick
Take photo - unlimited number infoCapture as many photos as needed as proof of delivery / service with the device camera and have them associated with an order tick tick tick tick
Multi-language  infoDriver / agent app available in tens of languages tick tick tick tick
Barcode scanning - device infoCapture barcodes with the device camera   tick tick tick
Barcode scanning - Zebra integration infoCapture barcodes with a dedicated Zebra device   tick tick tick
Upload photo(s) from gallery infoUpload as many photos as needed from the device gallery   tick tick tick
Route pre/post checklists infoPerform pre-departure / post-arrival checks and record them - for example safety checks     tick tick
In-field issue and exception handling infoA step-wise workflow for drivers / agents in the field to follow and handle exceptions, for example: person not in     tick tick
Custom issue / exception reasons infoLet drivers / agents specify meaningful task-failure reasons for analytics and pattern spotting     tick tick


Configurability / setup

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Driver schedules infoSet single or multi-day schedules for drivers determining when they will be eligible for optimization / work tick tick tick tick
Driver avatar photo infoDriver / agent profile pictures tick tick tick tick
Driver / agent profile pictures infoEnable driver to select their vehicle from a drop-down list in the driver/agent app tick tick tick tick
Customize driver / agent task information shown infoControl what is shown in terms of task information ensuring your workflow is always followed and privacy regulations are followed tick tick tick tick
Driver / agent skills infoConfigure specific skills to ensure specific drivers / agents are eligible for tasks requiring these specific skills tick tick tick tick
Allow to re-order route / start in any order infoEnable your drivers to manually re-order their own route in the driver/agent app or start the route in any order   tick tick tick
Geofence-driven actions infoAutomated status updates / state changes based on passing geofences. Can also be used to prohibit drivers / agents from taking certain actions when outside the geofence   tick tick tick
Driver overtime tolerance infoExtend schedule by a specified level of tolerance   tick tick tick
Custom start / end location infoSet any starting or ending location for a driver / agent   tick tick tick
Breaks infoSet defined driver break times in their working schedule   tick tick tick
Regulatory breaks infoSet breaks defined after X amount of driving / service time     tick tick
Schedule exceptions infoSet exceptions to a) start and end locations and/or b) schedules - for example to cover holidays and sick days     tick tick
Speed factors infoHandle different speed profiles of drivers / agents, for example - slower and faster than average     tick tick



Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Vehicle avatar infoVehicle profile picture tick tick tick tick
Vehicle capacity infoSet load capacity of the vehicle in terms of the dimension units specified for your organization, for example KG, CM3 etc. tick tick tick tick
Vehicle profile selection infoSelect the type of vehicle (bike, van, truck, large truck etc.) to apply specific speed profiles and ensure the vehicle travels over the appropriate roads   tick tick tick
Truck / HGV routing profiles infoUse maps that allow avoiding low bridges, inappropriate roads etc.     tick tick
Vehicle capacity utilization factor infoSet level to which the capacity of a vehicle can be used. For example, 0.9 for 90% of capacity or 1.2 for 120%     tick tick


Office / Warehouse / Distribution Center

Outputs and workflows

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Add notes and attachments infoAdd custom notes and attachments for any task, driver, and/or vehicle tick tick tick tick
Filters infoFind tasks / groups of tasks by a wide array of data attributes tick tick tick tick
Single task labels infoPrint labels for your orders, including barcodes and other relevant delivery information   tick tick tick
Printable driver / agent manifests infoPrint or export driver manifests so you have a paper record as well if desired   tick tick tick
Batch task labels infoPrint batches labels for your orders, including barcodes and other relevant delivery information     tick tick
Print batch proof of delivery / service infoPrint or export proof of delivery / service in batches     tick tick
Advanced filters infoFind tasks / groups of tasks by any data attribute, including by custom data. Save pre-sets     tick tick
Warehouse Management workflow infoEnable your warehouse to scan / change states that you determine (for example: sorted, loaded etc.) so you have full visibility always       tick


Operational monitoring

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Live route adjustments / changes infoReact to any changing circumstances in the field and make route changes live. Drivers / agents see changes instantly tick tick tick tick
Live on-map monitoring infoMonitor your drivers / agents out in the field live on a map tick tick tick tick
Live task statuses infoSee task status updates live as they happen out in the field tick tick tick tick
Live ETA updates infoSee up to the second updates from out in the field as your drivers / agents execute routes   tick tick tick
Lateness alerting infoBe proactively notified if tasks are running late when compared with their time windows     tick tick
Driver / agent last seen infoTimestamp when driver / agent was last seen in the driver / agent app     tick tick
Driver telemetry infoReceive device information for example battery level or whether the driver / agent is in a car, walking etc.     tick tick


Operational setup

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Unlimited number of dashboard users infoCreate an unlimited number of dashboard accounts tick tick tick tick
Unlimited number of drivers / agents infoCreate an unlimited number of agent / driver app accounts tick tick tick tick
Remote driver / agent app actions infoRemotely re-set / disable / log out drivers / agents tick tick tick tick
Zones infoDraw or import (via GeoJSON) zones and exclusion zones with specific rules, ensuring specific drivers or agents service familiar areas   tick tick tick
Teams infoAssign groups of operators and / or field agents to teams. For example, you could structure a team for each of your depots if desired     tick tick
User / access levels infoFrom read-only to full admin access, control what each user can see and do within eLogii     tick tick



Customer experience and communication

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Live customer tracking (no download required) infoYour customers are able to see the driver / agent approach on a map when their order is next. You can control what you want the customer to see tick tick tick tick
Customer profiles infoStore contact and address information for recurring task locations tick tick tick tick
SMS notifications infoSend task status updates at tens of lifecycle stages to customers via SMS tick tick tick tick
Email notifications infoSend task status updates at tens of lifecycle stages to customers via email tick tick tick tick
Data message notifications infoSend task status updates at tens of lifecycle stages to customers via data message tick tick tick tick
Driver / agent ratings infoAllow your customers to rate your drivers / agents tick tick tick tick
Calling infoAllow drivers / agents to call customers (depending on preferences / settings) tick tick tick tick
Live ETA updates infoCustomers can see live ETAs (depending on settings) either precisely to the minute or within a band (for example 3 hours - or as configured from your side)   tick tick tick
Customer dashboard infoAllow your customers to schedule their own tasks. Includes ability to add tasks in bulk via CSV/Excel as well as API (via customer-specific API key)     tick tick
White labelling infoCustomize the tracking experience to look like your business, from logos to colors and more     tick tick
Tracking page multi-language infoSelect from tens of languages to support your international customer base and operations     tick tick
Customer-specific driver skills / vehicle capabilities infoEnsure that tasks from a particular customer requiring specific driver skills or vehicle capabilities are always serviced correctly and matched to the right resource     tick tick
Customer-specific service duration infoSet specific service (time spent on site) time for particular customers     tick tick
Customer-specific proof of delivery / service defaults infoSet default required or optional proof of delivery / service actions for particular customers     tick tick
Customer-specific tags infoAdd an unlimited number of customer specific tags to filter / search by     tick tick
Enable customers to edit / re-schedule infoDepending on your configuration preferences allow customers to edit address details, re-schedule etc.     tick tick
HTML code snippet infoHTML widgets for further adaptability so you can build any experience you want into the tracking page     tick tick
Masked calling infoEnsure driver / agent number is not revealed to the customer when calls are placed from the driver / agent app     tick tick


Data, analytics and integration

Analytics and cost tracking

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Task lifecycle time and geo-stamps infoSee the geo-location for each driver action per task - for example, know exactly where an item was signed for tick tick tick tick
Real-time analytics infoLive analytics across a wide variety of key operational areas providing a clear, up to the second snapshot at a glance     tick tick
HistoricalinfoUnlimited historical analytics across a wide variety of key operational areas providing actionable insights     tick tick
Driver cost trackinginfoSee your daily route and operational costs with inputs for driver cost calculations     tick tick
Vehicle cost trackinginfoSee your daily route and operational costs with inputs for vehicle cost calculations     tick tick


Data handling and API

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
CSV / Excel import and validation wizard infoGuided CSV / Excel import workflow which proactively helps you address any issues within the files. Lightening fast, thousands of records imported within seconds tick tick tick tick
CSV / Excel import history infoSee history of all CSV / Excel imports. Roll back imports if you want to reverse tick tick tick tick
Geocoding infoGeocoding from several major mapping providers including Google tick tick tick tick
API infoClass-leading REST API covering all system endpoints tick tick tick tick
Import mapping infoMap your exported file columns to those required by the eLogii import. Save pre-set mapping to avoid having to re-map in the future   tick tick tick
what3words infoImprove accuracy with a geocode system designed to identify any location on the surface of Earth with a resolution of about 3 metres   tick tick tick
Webhooks infoETrigger-based communication from eLogii to your internal systems, for example when states change     tick tick
Custom data fields infoInclude specific data objects that matter most to your business, even if they do not exist within eLogii already     tick tick
Custom data fields UI control infoControl the UI of the added custom data fields, for example do you want the data to appear as part of a drop-down list     tick tick
SFTP infoAutomatically upload a file at a defined interval for optimization within eLogii. When the optimization is complete an optimized file will be added to another folder for automatic download     tick tick
Data transformers infoeLogii's prebuilt data transformers allow for consumption of data from various sources with ease without you having to change the structure of data on your side       tick



Support levels

Capability Starter Premium Professional Enterprise
Help Center infoCovering all eLogii functionality, our searchable help resource gives you hints, tips and worked examples tick tick tick tick
Enterprise-level SLAs infoEnterprise-level uptime guarantees and support levels with the fastest response time on the market   tick tick tick
Chat / phone support infoChat directly from the eLogii dashboard with support   tick tick tick
Training and on-boarding infoA set number of training and on-boarding hours included with your plan to help your team get up to speed efficiently. More can be added if required     tick tick
Implementation / API support infoTechnical support to help your team with implementation workflows and ensuring that integration work goes smoothly     tick tick


Still have questions about what eLogiiTM could do for your operations? Schedule a live demo and see how it works.