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Green Tech Construction: 5 Benefits of Sustainable Building (2024)

Written by eLogii | May 28, 2024 8:45:00 AM

Green buildings in the US see a consistent increase in asset value! The big reasons? Client demands and healthier buildings are driving the boom in green construction across the country.

Going green is your ticket to success if you're all about getting results in your business.

But what exactly is green construction all about? And what perks can it bring to your construction gig?

Well, stick around because this article will dive into all things green technology construction.

Let's get into it!


Explained: What is Green Construction Technology?

Let's break it down: Green building technology is all about using modern tools to create buildings that go easy on the planet from start to finish. That means from the design stage through construction, keeping them running smoothly, and even when it's time to tear them down.

According to the USGBC, green building might mean different things to different folks. However, it's basically about how we plan, build, and run our buildings.

But at its core, it's all about key stuff like saving energy, being smart with water, keeping the air inside nice and fresh, picking the right materials, and making sure the building fits well with its surroundings.

When we talk about green construction tech, we're talking about the software, tools, and tricks we use to make these eco-friendly buildings happen. And the cool part? They tend to leave a lighter footprint on our planet.

Green construction is all about cutting back on water, energy, and materials once the building is up. Plus, it's about using smart tech to create homes that don't use any energy and emit fewer harmful gases.

If you want to really slash waste on a construction site, you can use the lean construction method. It helps save money and is better for the environment.

There are lots of clever tricks in green construction to shrink your projects' carbon footprint. As a construction boss, it's smart to focus on sustainable tech that's not just good for the planet, but also easy on your wallet and built to last.

Take, for example, all the fuel burned shuttling people and stuff to and from construction sites every day. By using tech like a route planner to cut down on fuel use, you're not just saving money, you're also making a greener impact with your construction work.

Exploring Various Green Building Technologies

To put it simply, green building tech is all about finding ways to build without harming the planet, using eco-friendly methods that last.

Loads of different green building technologies help make sure buildings are built to last sustainably. We've put together a list of some of the best ones for your construction business.

1. Going Net Zero

Net zero or zero energy green buildings are designed to work without relying on the regular electric grid.

These buildings generate their power from renewable sources. And when we say "zero," we mean they use no net energy over the year and produce no carbon emissions. They get all their energy from renewable sources like solar or wind power.

2. Environmentally-Friendly Materials

Picking green building materials can make a big difference to both the environment and your clients' health, boosting your green construction efforts. You can earn green building credits from programs like Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design and Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment.

The credit for low-emitting materials covers a range of products such as:

  • Paints and coatings used indoors
  • Flooring options
  • Composite wood materials
  • Ceilings
  • Walls
  • Adhesives and sealants used indoors
  • Insulation for temperature and sound

These credits also count for both commercial and residential furnishings. Using eco-friendly, low-emission materials in your construction work can help create better indoor air quality, especially for people with sensitivities to the environment.

3. Harnessing Solar Energy

Solar power stands out as one of the top green building technologies in the construction world. In green construction, it's used in two main ways:

Active solar power

This system uses special solar panels to soak up the sun's rays and generate heat and electricity. It helps cut down on the need for gas or electricity, even though the initial setup costs more.

Over time, though, the solar system saves your clients money on their energy bills and helps cut back on greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels.

Passive solar power

With this system, the design of the building uses the sun's heat to warm things up. It's all about cleverly positioning windows and surfaces that soak up heat.

By letting sunlight in and trapping the heat, this system means you don't need as much heating during chilly winter months.

4. Eco-Friendly Insulation

Keeping a building warm efficiently relies on good thermal insulation to trap the heat inside.

Insulation is a big deal in construction, but many construction business owners don’t realize that it doesn’t have to be fancy or costly. Insulation is basically like a filter for walls.

Before you decide on the best insulation for your projects, there are a few things to think about:

  • It should be fire-resistant.
  • It shouldn’t soak up moisture.
  • It should meet your insulation needs.
  • And of course, it should fit your budget.

Using eco-friendly insulation is a smart, sustainable way to cut down on the need for expensive finishes.

5. Smart Appliances

With homes and commercial buildings gobbling up loads of energy, using smart appliances in green construction is a big deal.

Think SmartGrid fridges, dishwashers, and washing machines—just a few examples of smart appliance tech.

These green tech appliances can boost your clients' experience and make your structures more eco-friendly.

Is Green Building Technology Necessary?

With over 332.18 million people living in the United States, the growing population is driving up the demand for energy and living space. This can lead to more non-renewable energy use and greater environmental harm.

As a construction business owner, adopting green building technologies allows you to provide your clients with forward-thinking, eco-friendly solutions.

Green building construction is the ideal answer to the unsustainable growth projected for the country and the construction industry.

So, transform your construction business to:

  • Protect clients' health
  • Boost employee productivity
  • Lower your carbon footprint
  • Reduce environmental impact
  • Improve indoor air quality
  • Conserve and reduce water, energy, and other rapidly depleting resources

Green building technology can also enhance your business image and improve the construction ecosystem.

However, before diving into green construction, it's important to understand the costs involved.

What Are the Costs of Green Building Construction?

Green buildings are costly to construct, design, and maintain. Environmental construction methods come with a higher price tag because most green technology is expensive.

The main reasons for the increased cost of green building construction are the use of sustainable raw materials and the extended design time required.

Yet, many construction business owners have misconceptions about the costs. These hold them back from switching from traditional to green construction practices.

Data shows that over 60% of people think green building processes and practices cost more than conventional buildings. However, a study by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development reveals that these costs are often overestimated.

Participants in the study believed the upfront cost of a green building to be 17% higher than that of a traditional building.

However, the US Green Building Council states that the initial cost of a green building is only 2–3% higher than that of a non-green building.

The total value comes to around $3.00-$5.00 per square foot, which isn't significantly more expensive than traditional buildings.

Now, let’s explore the benefits for your construction business.

Advantages of Green Technology Construction

Green construction technology can give you a competitive edge. It lessens your environmental impact and enhances the longevity of the buildings you construct. Here are more benefits of adopting green building construction practices:

1. Boosts Business Reputation

Switching to greener construction methods and getting various certifications can boost your credibility.

Building LEED-certified structures shows your dedication to sustainability, improving your brand's reputation and attracting more eco-conscious clients.

LEED-certified projects help eliminate over 80 million tons of waste. Achieving gold-level certifications means your buildings will produce 34% fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

To meet LEED requirements, you must follow specific guidelines during construction.

2. Provides Long-Term Sustainable Results

Green construction projects use durable, sustainable materials like stone, metal, and brick, which increase the longevity of buildings.

These materials not only extend the life of the building but also reduce maintenance needs and costs over time.

Using sustainably harvested wood and biodegradable materials helps lower the structure's carbon footprint.

This approach improves the quality of your construction, boosts client satisfaction, and strengthens your industry position.

3. Stands Out from Competitors

Going green can set your construction company apart. Clients and owners are increasingly interested in green construction initiatives.

With the growing value of green buildings, customer demand, and industry efforts to meet Paris Agreement goals, you can lead the new green movement.

Using green construction methods helps you stand out by showcasing innovation in building and designing eco-friendly structures.

4. Prepares Your Projects for the Future

Using green construction methods and technology helps improve future residents' quality of life in various ways.

For instance, using bamboo or cork for flooring reduces the environmental footprint. It also makes homes less toxic by avoiding artificial fibers and chemicals.

Green construction methods also ensure high air quality for those living and working in the building.

5. Reduces Harmful Environmental Impacts

Green construction methods use fewer materials and energy. That contributes to less waste in landfills and the creation of zero-energy buildings.

By adopting lean construction practices, you can significantly reduce environmental impact by minimizing waste on-site.

Lean construction can cut waste by up to 5% from the 10-15% typically generated in traditional construction.

Reusing and recycling materials with better estimating improves the quality and sustainability of your green construction projects.

Additionally, you can reduce fuel use and carbon emissions by optimizing material and workforce transportation to the construction site.

Using software like Upper Route Planner helps cut miles driven and reduce fuel consumption.

Let eLogii Help You Move Toward Sustainability

eLogii Route Optimization Software is a cutting-edge route management tool that helps you schedule your green construction material deliveries with just a few clicks.

Its unique features allow you to automate the delivery process and find fuel-efficient routes. By reducing fuel consumption, you can lower the carbon footprint of your delivery vehicles and adopt more sustainable construction practices.

eLogii can streamline your last-mile delivery processes, cutting route planning time by 95% and boosting your schedule, efficiency, and profits.

No matter the scale of your construction business, eLogii helps you navigate the complexities of delivering your workforce and materials.

FAQ about Green Technology Construction

Key Points

The popularity of green construction initiatives is increasing nationwide, prompting businesses to embrace various strategies and practices for sustainable growth.

Green construction can mitigate environmental damage inherent in traditional building methods, enhance your brand's reputation, and differentiate your company from competitors.

In addition to employing diverse green technologies and approaches, leveraging route planning tools like Upper can reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions during construction material deliveries.

Try out the free 7-day trial and revolutionize your green construction efforts.